#vrikshambirthstory, Hello Akka I am so glad to share my experience during my labor and breastfeeding journey. I am your labor management and breastfeeding webinar student. I am a mother of 1.8 years old baby. Attending your labor management webinar, was very useful for me during my labor and postpartum days. Since this is my first pregnancy, the breathing techniques that you taught were a game changer during my labor.

I was admitted to the hospital because of bleeding on Feb 14, 2022 evening by 6.15 pm. I have no pain so far. From Tuesday morning, the pain started as per your suggestion I noted every contraction and the doctors randomly checked whether my cervix was opened or not. And I was 2cm dilated in the beginning.

The next day morning by 8.30 I went to the labor ward as it was COVID-19 period only my husband and my mom were with me. By 11.22 am, our little prince was born 🥰. I gave him skin-to-skin contact and golden hours of breastfeeding. Then we were in the hospital for the next 2 days.

  My breastfeeding journey started; it was like a double-edged sword. On one side, I feel happy and proud as my baby is living only because of me. On the other side, I was really broken because of my swelling breast due to lactation. That time I attended your breastfeeding webinar which helped me to overcome my pains and all regarding breastfeeding.

Everyone from my family has opposed and compromised me to give cow milk from 3rd day of birth. So, then the baby will be boosted and will not cry randomly. I have done exclusive breastfeeding for six and a half months. After some days they realized the benefits of breastfeeding and supported me a lot.

Here I’m blessed to have my amma who cooked healthy food throughout the day and took care of my baby without any hesitation. My Appa gave a big moral support and energized me always. My husband visited us on the weekend for 9 months in his busy schedule just to care for me at least one day a week.

My little boy was enthused with his cute smile. My mother’s parents, sisters everyone supported me as I’m the first girl in our family who give birth to the next generation. Everyone cared for me like anything. Mainly, they all tolerated my postpartum depression, mood swings, etc.,

On Sept 28, by 8.15 pm I breastfeed my little human for the last time. I thought about feeding him at least for 2 years and I feel very hard but I have no other options because of my health issue. After 590 days of breastfeeding, I feel complete in this. And I always feel proud of myself for my breastfeeding journey. And I bought a saree in the memory of this.

Akka, I really thank you for playing a game-changer role in both labor and breastfeeding days. Concluding by saying love you amma, Appa, Enanga, Akan…