
Hi Anu Akka, I’m your early pregnancy, labor management, and breastfeeding student. It was truly a blessing that I took all these classes because you made my entire pregnancy journey a positive one. I enjoyed each and every bit of it.

My EDD was on February 18th. On February 7th, from 12:00 AM onwards I was in discomfort due to lots of baby movement. I couldn’t sleep, but my husband and mother convinced me that it was ok, it might be false labor, and asked me to try and sleep through it. After a brief spell of sleep, I woke up at 3:30 AM when I felt some discharge. It was a show, and soon after that, I started having mild contractions.

I informed my husband and mother about this. Then we decided to get ready and leave for the hospital. All of us didn’t panic and my hospital bag was ready well in advance, so we left for the hospital at 5:30 AM.

On arrival, I was asked to go through NST and the duty doctor looking at the NST confirmed that I’m having contractions and did a PV examination. I was 2cm dilated. Soon after this they spoke to my doctor and asked me to get admitted. After I was kept under observation for 4 hours, my doctor examined me again at 12:30 PM and dilation was still at 2cm. So, she advised inducing gel.

Since the time of admission, I was very active in between contractions and did a lot of walking, and did all the breathing exercises you had taught us. A sipper bottle and lip balm were of great help as I did the breathing exercises.

At 5:30 PM when I was reviewed again, I was 6cm dilated. So, the doctor was happy that my labor had progressed and she broke the water and shifted me immediately to the labor ward. But after this, my dilation didn’t progress as expected so at 7:00 PM they started the augmentation process. Even after an hour, my dilation was at 6cm only.

But at this stage, my contractions were becoming unbearable and I started feeling very exhausted. But my husband held my hand throughout the labor pain and kept motivating me. He continuously reminded me to think about all that you taught us and tried to distract me from labor pain.

Finally, after going through intense unbearable contractions for 3 hours at 10.00 PM,  I was fully dilated and felt the urge to push. But due to exhaustion and almost no sleep the previous night, I couldn’t concentrate and push. I started losing energy. So, in the end, the doctor decided to use a vacuum pump and I birthed my baby boy vaginally with vacuum assistance. From being a girl who has been afraid of needles her entire life to giving birth vaginally, it is a very fulfilling transformation.

My husband now calls me “Sherni” (tigress) because of my grit and determination throughout the entire process. Your mantra of “trust your body” and “empower all mothers” is truly inspiring.

Special shout out to my doctor and all the nursing staff for being my support system throughout the entire labor and delivery process. A huge shout out to my family members and friends who made sure I stayed positive and motivated at all times.

My husband, who was my pillar of strength throughout, took me personally to each and every check-up, made sure I followed the diet and exercise routine without fail.

Thanks a lot, for all that you are doing and I wish you the best in all your endeavors. Bless you and your family and loads of love to Ahan and Ayan.

Regards Sowmya and Nikhil