
Hi Anu akka. How are you.
I am happy to let you know that I delivered a baby boy on January 12th and it was a normal delivery. I have attended your Infant care session, labour management class, and breastfeeding session as well. It was really helpful for me to go through my entire pregnancy journey.
And here is my birth story. I got married 5 years back and initially, we struggled a lot to get conceived naturally.

But by god’s grace, i conceived normally and during my first trimester, i was really scared thinking everything should go well. By god’s grace everything went smoothly. But during my 32 weeks scan, we found that my fluid level was below 7 and the doctor said that we may need to go for CSec if any emergency, so be ready. But i remembered your mantra believe your body and the baby. So, I just remained calm and was praying to God that everything should be normal and i should be able to do normal delivery.

Meanwhile, i was under medication to increase my fluid level and to my surprise the next week itself the fluid level increased to 10. So, the doctor said nothing to worry about and we can wait for normal delivery.
Also, to my surprise baby fixed his position in cephalic when he was 7months itself. Every time when we check for a scan he will be in cephalic only. So, i was really happy about my baby. And as weeks passed doctor asked me to do CTG every alternate day.

This made me so uncomfortable to visit the hospital during this COVID situation. Also, the fluid level was up and a little down as the week passed. Somehow, we crossed 36 weeks and finally the doctor said now it’s a full-term baby and we don’t want to risk anymore so let’s go for the inducing labor pain method and try for normal delivery.
Initially, i said let’s wait for a few more days and left the hospital but after i went back home i was uncomfortable thinking about the baby and my intuition was telling me to go for the inducing method.

So, we discussed in our home and went to the hospital and got admitted on Jan 11th at 7.30 pm. Finally, the process started and the whole night i got only slight pain which can be managed so i slept.
Meantime they checked internally and at midnight 1 pm itself, 5cm has been dilated. So, morning at 7 am I have been shifted to labor ward and the pain was really bad and i was asking for an epidural. But my doctor’s team supported me throughout the labor hours.

And they made me to deliver the baby vaginally without an epidural. Your breathing techniques helped me a lot and i was moving throughout my labour doing ball exercise, squat and climbing stairs. Finally, i delivered my boy at 12:20pm
It’s really a magical moment for me. Now he completed 4 months and I’m a happy mother and enjoying my motherhood. Thank you so much for your knowledge akka. It really helped me a lot.. ❤️