No one knows what can transpire in the labour ward
Hi Anu akka, we attended your labor management class in August. Breathing techniques were really helpful. Thanks for the amazing work you are doing. You are a blessing in disguise for all of us.
Pregnancy- no matter how much you think you are prepared; you are still unprepared for what might be thrown at you. We got married in Aug,2019. Never had a discussion on when we wanted kids. Around Feb, 2021 I started feeling uneasy and had a feeling that something is up. When I wanted to test, my husband said I am just overthinking and it would be negative. Nevertheless, we bought the kit and tested at home. I was shocked / surprised / scared / overwhelmed on seeing the 2 pink lines. Before even we discussed what to do, we told our parents and they were on cloud nine.
Starting that day, my whole world revolved around my baby. First trimester was pretty difficult with severe nausea. I could barely eat anything. Second trimester was significantly better but had no sleep. Third trimester brought in breathlessness, sleeplessness, acid reflux and constantly tired body. I was still very active- yoga, walking, squats, birthing ball exercises, anything and everything to have a vaginal delivery.
My glucose level was high during my 30th week glucose test. I went on a strict diet and brought it under control within days. I maintained a good weight gain- both mine and the babies. Doctor was happy with my progress. I was 39+1 when on Thursday, 30th September, morning my water broke around 7:15 AM. We reached the hospital by 9:20 A.M. Doctor did a pv and suggested induction because my cervix is still closed. I was induced around 10 A.M. Contractions started within 30 mins and followed 5-1-1 pattern.
With my husband’s support, I was breathing and trying to remain calm throughout. Doctor came in around 2 P.M and checked for dilation and said I was still 1 cm dilated. She induced me again. This time the contractions started immediately and I was in horrible pain for the next 6 hours. I could not do any exercises in between contractions since I have already lost water.
Around 8 P.M I could not take it anymore and requested for an epidural. Doctor came and checked my dilation which is now 2cm. NST showed transition phase and heavy contractions. However, my cervix was still not cooperating.
I got my epidural around 8:10 P.M and doctor said we will wait for another 4 hours after which we will have to do a C section. I was continuously praying that my body should help me and my baby. Around 10 P.M, my husband noticed the NST graph and informed the junior doctor that baby’s heart rate is dipping. She checked and said baby might go into distress and we need to rush for c section.
I asked if we can still wait until the doctor comes but they said it is risky. So, there I was on c section table, scared, confused and sad. Despite the uneventful and unplanned day, we had, I had tears of happiness after seeing my baby girl.
She was born at 10:24 P.M and then I was given a sedative. I vaguely remember a nurse helping my baby feed from me. Within 3 hours, I was completely awake. I could not move or hold my baby close to me but I was happy I listened to the doctors and did not make my baby suffer.
One week later, she has changed my life completely. She is the best thing that has happened to us. Failure to progress can happen to anyone and it is OK.
P.S: what hurt me most was people asking me why I chose c section and why not ‘normal’ delivery. Wish people are more empathetic towards new moms because honestly no one knows what might transpire in the labor room.
The one in the center is our doctor- Manjula Deepak. So grateful for her support.
Thank you so much for all the good work you are doing. Your reels are very relevant. Ahan and Ayan are really lucky to have such a wonderful mom. ❤️