
Finally my dream moment has come true.
I am happy to see two pink lines and would like to share my story so that all other women might get some inspiration from it.

I got married in 2019 Feb. We have been trying for almost 1 year in natural way. My periods became irregular sometimes after marriage. And everyone around society started asking for baby. So after a year we consulted doctor and I was shocked to know that I got PCOD issues. Being IT professionals this issue become very common for most of women like me. By the end of 2020 March, due to Pandemic we traveled to native and we avoided going hospital for treatment of PCOD. I was doing WFH until July and slowly I had faced one more problem with spinal neck pain. So , I hold PCOD treatment and started to visit Ortho doctors for neck pain. Initially they said it was due to WFH and body posture issue. But pain got increased day by day and some of my doctor friends suggested me to consult neurologists. We went for the same and after taking MRI , Report came with one fatal disease TB Spine. So , immediately I underwent spinal surgery. I undergone so much pain and demotivated and faced extreme level of stress at times. It took me almost a year for the treatment to get over. I started to search about PCOD natural treatment with healthy lifestyle as I am in rest period during my healing days.

My husband became my actual backbone and stand strong with me in all my bad times. This gave me little confidence. But , some where I felt lot of negativity came to me without my knowledge and worried for everything. At the age of 30, After 2.5 years of marriage with no baby and health issue became very big concern to my MIL and family.

So, I started to change my lifestyle in 3 ways by gaining some knowledge about PCOD post spinal surgery.

  1. Regulation of sleep cycle
  2. Changing to Organic food
  3. Eat only if you feel hunger and drink only if you feel thirsty.
  4. Most important, avoid junk foods, maida, processed and refined foods.

Some improvement I felt is my periods become regular soon after. This gave me little confidence. Even though had these changes, mentally I’m not ready to face this society. There comes Anu akka’s training. I got to know through my friend. Initially I was silent observer of her lnsta page. After my recovery period, I attended July pre-pregnancy class. This really clarified all my unwanted myths followed by me and my husband. It started to change my negative mind and started seeing changes in positive way. A simple mantra is trusting my body and I could feel that my body started to listen to me after I do my lifestyle changes. Now, I’m a happy working woman with 6 weeks pregnant and eager to attend early pregnancy class.
I hope my story will definitely stimulate some positivity in one or other way to others who face some difficult times in life. Trust your body!! You will see the result!!