
Hi mam. Am your June labor mgmt and early pregnancy student. delivered our baby boy; 3.2kgs vaginally on Aug 30, exactly on my given due date. My labor story is short and sweet but must say your breathing exercises helped a lot.

The labor started with light lower back pain around 8 PM on Aug 29th. Starting around 9 PM noticed mild contractions about 8-9 mins apart. We spoke to our doctor then and she said it could be false pain since I was due the next day and told to call back if the pain intensifies or water breaks or if I see any bloody show. I hadn’t had any pain or discomfort throughout my pregnancy(very thankful for the mom friendly baby) so this was new to me and we also assumed it could be false labor. But around 10:30 the contractions got stronger and were now 5-6 mins apart. We called the doc again and was told the same thing, to come if the pain is unbearable.
I was doing the rotating ball exercises at home between contractions during this time. Took a long shower and had light dinner in case we have to go to the hosp. At 11:30 vomited off the dinner and noticed some reddish brown discharge and so started to hosp immediately and reached the Emergency at 12AM.

Checked in at the reception and was sent upstairs to the Obgyn treatment room for initial checkup. There I was asked to give a urine sample but couldn’t. The nurse started taking all details like family history, allergies etc but I really wanted to get up and walk around to manage the pain and so asked for the doc to check dilation so I don’t have lie down and get up again. Doc came around 12:30, checked and to everyones surprise/shock i was fully dilated and so was sent to labor&delivery right away.

The nurses there started working on setting up an IV for saline and antibiotics. (I tested positive for group B strep at 36 weeks and was told will be given IV antibiotics during labor so the baby won’t get infected) As the nurses were still setting up the IV, doc told us she’ll be back in 45 mins after the antibiotics finishes. But just as she was about to leave told her I felt like pushing. She checked and told the baby was crowning, no time for IV or antibiotics and started prepping for delivery. In 5 mins she asked me to start pushing; 3 times for each contraction.

Was still doing your breathing exercises and hand gestures at this time. Baby’s head was out by the third contraction and the doc pulled rest of the baby out at 1:22AM. They did delayed cord clamping and put the baby on me skin to skin for the first 1 hour as the doc stitched up the 2nd degree perineal tear. Baby was then given to my husband for his skin to skin. The entire labor lasted around 5 hours.The nurses were joking that I should come in really early next time and not wait.

My husband was an equal partner from Day 1. He took over cooking, everyday leg massages, encouraging me to be active etc. My parents couldn’t come to us due to Covid travel restrictions but I had nothing to worry about because of him. I had attended your early pregnancy webinar and was doing all the exercises you suggested and some light cardio/yoga throughout and followed your food diet recommendations. Your throwback reels on the exercises you were doing right till Ayan was born were inspirational and encouraged me to do the same. I believe being active throughout the pregnancy really helped with the short labor and recovery process. Thank you for all the knowledge and awareness!!

Thank you

Mahitha & Karthik