Fear of Sex to Vaginal Birth
Hi Anu ka,
I’m your pre-pregnancy , early pregnancy and labour management student.
I feared sex, never allowed my husband freely until almost one year of marriage. He was supportive and understanding but I was still guilty. Your pre-pregnancy session helped me overcome my fear and educated me on how to prepare my body to grow a life inside. I followed all your inputs and was able to successfully have sex without fear and in a few months time, we had the good news in October 2020.
Your early pregnancy session was a boon to me. I was working from home from mom’s place and with her support I was able to follow your diet plan. Had a good protein rich diet everyday and with my husband’s company and motivation, I did squats, ball exercises, butterfly, breathing and walking everyday until the day I got admitted.
All my scan reports were normal, baby was healthy and every time I heard my doctor said baby’s doing good, I thanked you inside.
I’m not sure if I’d have been able to manage labour without your labour management classes. I was able to differentiate between Braxton Hicks and contractions and got admitted at the hospital at the right time (had sufficient time to take corona test and wait for the result until end of the day). Nurses really appreciated me for knowing this since 3 patients had come the same day for pain and were sent back since they didn’t have the labour contractions.
My contractions started at 3am on 15th June and I got admitted at 7pm on the same day as pain intensified (39 weeks). I was able to bear the pain, trusted my body and saved my energy until active labor started. Breathing exercises were really a savior. My baby came out in 10 pushes, it was hard and I was tired at the end but it was all the worth once I saw her. SHE arrived early in the morning around 2am on 16th June weighing 3.490kgs ❤️ The nurses said I was cooperative, all thanks to you for educating us. I was calm even when they did physical examination to check cervical dilation, I never knew I’d be able to bear that for I’ve been a person who feared sex. Entire labour lasted for 24hours.
I always wished for a baby girl, used to talk to her every day and tell her “We’re a team, we’ll do well and please give Amma the strength and confidence to let you come into this world via vaginal birth”. She kept me comfortable throughout my pregnancy journey, I did not have any big difficulty in the whole 9 month journey. 😇
You’re a major major part of my pregnancy journey. My husband encouraged me every single day saying I can do it. He asked me to thank you tons as he cried in joy seeing the both of us happy, strong and smiling.
Thank you so much Akka, loads of love and good health wishes to Ayan and Ahan. ❤️
P.S: Your sipper bottle idea was bomb! Very useful and handy even in labour room. 🔥