
Hello Anu Akka,
I am your 1-Jan-2021 pre pregnancy, 25-April-2021 Early Pregnancy, 11-Sep-2021 Labor management and 21-Nov-2021 breast feeding class student from Mumbai. Wanted to inform you that I delivered a healthy baby girl through vaginal birth on 18-Oct-2021 😊

I am 35 years old and this was my first pregnancy. My journey was pretty smooth and bumpy at the same time. I had just shifted to London for work when I got to know am pregnant. Everything was going well I.e., not much of morning sickness or any kind of discomforts except that I developed gestational diabetes and hypertension in the last weeks of pregnancy. It got critical from there on at least in our heads and due to Covid I couldn’t get my parents to come to the UK hence I opted to give birth in India. Fortunately, I have had a very good gynecologist here too and also the knowledge we got from your session helped us make an informed decision to go ahead with induced labor and eliminate any risks to the baby.

The first induction gel was administered on 17th night and then early morning on 18th. The doctor broke my water then and I started to have mild contractions and it kept getting quite intense in a very short period of time and as the time passed by my dilation was just about 2 cms when the doctor did an internal examination at 2 pm. The pain was immense and I felt as if I had no energy left given, I had not slept the night before. Dr had to help in mechanically ripening the cervix from there on and it was very uncomfortable but your breathing techniques helped. I almost gave up at the end however my husband helped me keep my calm and reminded me of all your breathing techniques repeatedly which were a savior. I wanted to go without epidural however the pain was so much that I finally opted for epidural but it was not much of help as it took quite some time to be administered and by then I was almost fully dilated. I was rushed to the delivery room and in just 4 pushes my baby was out at 5.32 pm. All this while my baby showed no signs of distress. I had a quiet conversation with my baby asking her to keep calm before I went into labor and it seems my angel responded by doing so.

My husband was super supportive and did everything possible to help me cope up with the pain. Back massage, sipper bottle, and encouraging me at every step during the entire labor. His presence made a lot of difference and am happy that we did pretty well together. I could pull through only due to him and my gynecologist’s encouragement at that moment. All this can make a lot of difference in your birthing experience I realize.

And, I have had to put to sleep for placenta removal as it didn’t come through on its own as I felt no contractions post my baby was delivered.

However, everything went really well and we would like to express our gratitude to you for sharing your knowledge with us. Can’t thank you enough akka.
