
Hi Anu ka, I attended your early pregnancy and labor management and breastfeeding classes. These helped me throughout the pregnancy journey and even in my postpartum. My pregnancy was a roller coaster ride of emotions. My husband is working in a different city so we will be able to meet once a week mostly. My husband was the only person I literally tortured (of course I missed him so much throughout the journey) but he never missed to come to the hospital for each doctorโ€™s visit. I can even feel the positive difference in the baby’s movement in the womb when dad is around which provoked me even more. Despite of all this emotional baggage, I continued with exercises and breathing techniques. I was diagnosed with hypertension in 11 weeks and I was mentioning diet and taking medicines to control my bp. By 36 weeks my bp got spiked so they induced labor. My mother was my birthing partner inside the labor room. She remained me of breathing techniques throughout the contraction. They induced labor by 4 pm and mild contractions started and initial contractions are bearable but the last stage contractions are unbearable and at one point I had the urge to push and the doctor used a suction cup to pull the baby. We had our baby girl by 9 pm. I faced the whole pregnancy and labor journey with confidence because of your classes. Thanks for everything. Lots of love to you Akka๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’“ I forgot to mention the breastfeeding journey. Though I am in my initial stages I enjoy them the most even sleepless nights make it tiring but the little oneโ€™s face after feed makes all the pain to vanish. You are doing an amazing job Akka. You are giving this strength amidst all the obstacles. ๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’“